• 7 октября 2017, суббота
  • Онлайн

YogaSiddhi Teacher's Training Course TTC 200

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Международный центр YogaSiddhi
2660 дней назад
с 0:00 7 октября до 0:00 24 октября 2017

International Teacher’s Training Course under the guidance of the Guru — Brahma Sri Murugan Yoga Achariya — the successor of alive tradition of yoga art.

The course will be held in YogaSiddhi ashram, East provincion, Trincomalee, Sri-Lanka.


The course has nothing in common with any modern yoga schools course as the techniques are being carefully passed through the centuries in Guru-parampara and haven’t undergone through any changes containing an amazing power and a very deep knowledge of human physical and mental structures.


18-days of unforgettable study you will learn:

traditional hatha-yoga techniques:

- kriyas, pranayamas, asanas, yoga philosophy, anatomy, yogatherapy

- how to teach yoga to beginners, kids, pregnants, elders people

- how traditional techniques are influencing all physical, energetical and mental structures of the human body (Koshas)

- you will improve greatly the level of your personal yoga practice

- you will get the international yoga-teacher certificate


Morning and evening meditation and badjans


Morning an evening pranayama and asanas practice

Pure vegetarian food

Traditional cultural programs



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